Everlasting Bottles and Boxes

Published 01 April 2022

The Stainless Steel Solution

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 says sustainable consumption and production is about doing more and better with less; according to the Zero Waste International Association (zwia.org), Zero Waste is the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning, and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.

Choosing stainless steels for an application ensures that it will be produced in a responsible way, with an extremely low life-cycle inventory (also known as the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions profile). Furthermore, stainless steel products have low, or close to zero, maintenance costs during their long life, and stainless steels can be reused indefinitely because they are easy to recycle without any loss of quality or material integrity.

Find out what is stainless steel? …. which grade (type of stainless steel) is the right one for you? …. and which application would serve you best in your personal life? Drinks containers? Food containers? Toiletry containers? Or maybe even all three? These questions will be answered in this Stainless Steel Webinar.

This webinar has ended. A recording is available here.

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