Life cycle inventory and analysis

Stainless Steel is a highly durable material used in many qualified applications. Like all materials, its production and use affect the environment in many different ways. Assessing the overall environmental impact of products requires an integrated approach that considers the product over its entire life cycle - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). 

Stainless steel LCI Data are freely available from worldstainless. The worldstainless Communications Policy for LCI data asks that you complete this brief questionnaire in order that the appropriate dataset and support can be supplied.

Life cycle inventory contact form

Stainless steel Life-Cycle-Inventory data are freely available from worldstainless. The worldstainless Communication Policy for LCI data asks that you complete this brief questionnaire in order that the appropriate dataset and support can be supplied.

LCI data request
A general introduction to LCI and LCA

Stainless Steel is a highly durable material used in many qualified applications. Like all materials, its production and use affect the environment in many different ways. Assessing the overall environmental impact of products requires an integrated approach that considers the product over its entire life cycle - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

Download the introduction here
Stainless Steel, the green material

Society had become increasingly concerned with the health of the natural environment and the role of materials in impacting the ecosystem. The recognition of and response to environmental concerns is often called "greening." The "greenness" or quality of environmental performance is leading some to consider this in materials selection.
Source: Specialty Steel Industry of North America

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